My Sweet Queen


Written: Maxima

My sweet Queen
How fortunate me and my frind’s
Little stars a divine blue heaven
It is a beautiful feeling
Walk under the sun ,
And under the moonlight
And know that there is someone in this world
Who returns love for love
It is a beautiful feeling
Walk under the sun ,
And under the moonlight
And know that there is someone in this world
Who returns love for love
I’m walking down that dark corridor
A feeling of loneliness
Break into pieces, my soul
Until one day in the cosmic constellation
And there, somewhere in the purple dawn constellation
O! My sweet little Queen
I love you

to be continued

15 thoughts on “My Sweet Queen

  1. I have to ask because honestly I cannot remember if I have in the past; would you mind if I re-blog one of your pieces some time? I know you have a lot of followers, but on the off chance some of my friends haven’t had the pleasure to know you; I’d love to make an introduction. Blessings to you and your family.

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